Asset Preservation
This function specialises in providing business continuation services for clients to preserve the current value of their business in the event of unforeseen owner-management discontinuation such as: unforeseen illness, relocation, or where the owner-managed concern falls within the scope of a deceased estate.
Asset Preservation
We add tangible value through our team of passionate, well-experienced and educated business advisors, agents and support staff. Our value offering ensures uninterrupted continuation of business operations, processes, and service delivery to your clients while maintaining strategic focus, sound financial governance and conduct.
Our systems and solutions support our clients’ requirements and are integrated in accordance with our clients’ unique needs.
Our thorough Asset Preservation Process includes:
Operational analysis – A critical aspect of successfully managing a commercial concern is performing a thorough operational analysis. This analysis assures awareness of all the material facts and financial details pertinent to the business, but more so, understanding the unique strategic drivers of your business.
Operational control – This facet of asset preservation entails taking “temporary” operational and management control of our clients’ business assets to ensure that the business runs smoothly and for the financial statements to be accurate and reliable.
Performance consulting – This element in our value offering is typically a consequence of an internal business process whereby we improve the effectiveness and efficiency of a given process to obtain real-life cost or time saving and improved customer experience. Our exhaustive experience in the management consulting industry has resulted in our cultivation of valuable industry insights.
Professional business valuation and disposal opinions – We lend our expert insight in this regard to our clients that wish to sell their business or going concern and therefore need to know the value. To our clients targeting for acquisition, we provide expert guidance on financial structures and facilitation of our clients’ capital funding process.